Passed to me via this is the funniest thing I’ve read in quite some time…

I’ve read alot about how and why people carry their sidearm with them on their motorcycle. Read all the arguments about smashed spleens or where is the safe place to have it, needing a lanyard, etc.

I don’t carry my gun when i’m on my bike. No real solid reason, just haven’t bothered. I usually only bother to carry (i have a permit) when I’m with my family or going somewhere that’s not a very nice area or going into the woods.

That being said, having read the recent couple threads about people being chased, dodge rams trying to run people over and cornering them in canada, 4-door white hondas trying to knock people off a cliff in Utah, etc, I’m planning on buying a tank bag or a new type of holster and carrying on the bike.

I’ve also read alot of people saying things in those threads like “if i’d been there I’d have…”

i dunno what i’d do in those situations. I’d have urges like everyone else…we’re all human and get angry. Seems like the people that posted about their issues with these psycho’s have handled it rather well. What i’m concerned about are those that didn’t live to tell us about it.

I carry because I want to have a choice when and if a bad situation ever arises.

I will now carry on my bike for the same reason. It’s getting rough out there.”

“Be careful when carrying in the open. When I get stopped by the cops, I lace my hands on top of my helmet as soon as I turn my bike off, so’s they can disarm me.

I open-carry sometimes too. One of my holsters is an old-west style rig that ties on the thigh. You think YOURS is visible, I’ve got a whole row of cartridges going across the back of my belt.

When I get a new job, I’m going to get my CCW permit.”

“I’ve got my permit, too. I carry my Glock in a fanny pack when I’m riding.

I don’t anticipate using it while riding. Only after my kickstand is down will it be of any use.”

“I have been thinking about this alot since I started riding. The Glock came off my hip and I stuck a P3AT in my pocket when I got my first bike. I agree that the gun is not to be deployed while riding, only after I am off the bike would it be an option.

I was out in the forest the other day, alone and walking around off the bike. This is the only time I have felt under-gunned.
