I can’t stress enough how much I’m looking forward to getting to my new house, and more importantly my new garage.
The one on the far left is mine – my new flat is above it – and there’s another garage out to the right you can’t see – we own the whole building but are renting out the other three garages, knowing how important they are and that the three houses next to us don’t have one.
The important thing about my new garage is the fact that it has electricity, gas, hot and cold water and a large cupboard that runs under the stairs to the flat. It will also house our washing machine and the dryer. The most impressive thing about this list is the gas… I can put in a radiator!
My wife wants me to take it one step further and instal a couch, TV, bed… because then I can stay there!
The point I’m trying to make is that when I have stuff to do on the bike (my 16k service for example) it’s very hard to motivate myself to going outside in the cold, scrambling around in the dark to find my tools, and not being able to boil the kettle because I’m 500 yards from the house!