I’ve read intercession prayers quite a few times in church – but I’ve never written my own. I often borrow from a wide source of books and websites. This sunday however I decided it was time I sat down and wrote my own prayers to read… here’s my first attempt. All feedback very much welcome.
Lord, we come to you in peace, calm and prayerful meditation this morning.
Lord, as we stop and pray for others, we ask you to guide us over the next week so that we may understand what it means to come as we are into your Kingdom. Help us to understand the gifts you have given each of us and how we can best use them in God’s service.
Lord, in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.Lord, we pray for the unity of all christians in Christ.
We pray that whatever church we belong to you help us see what brings us together, rather than what divides.
We pray for those christians who are persecuted and for those that are forced to hide their faith.
Lord, in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.Lord, we pray for peace in our world and especially ask you to support and care for those involved in difficult and complex peace talks for Syria. The opposing sides in Ukraine, South Sudan and Egypt and for those caught up in war, conflict and division wherever they may be.
Lord, in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.Lord, we ask you to be near Judy Kidd and Ann Lees this week. Unite us in your wonderful love and be near all who are sick, or in need of comfort. We pray for Bill Nicholson who has passed into your care and for his family and friends.
Lord, in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.Lord, we bring these prayers to you as we are, ready to embrace your love and to take your Church forward in the spirit of ministry you taught us in such a short time. We take a moment now in silent prayer to bring to you those people and things that need your infinite love.
Lord, in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
The Gospel reading for today was Matthew 4: 12-23