I’m getting more narked about the fact that Honda gave me the wront parts on Friday – appart from the fact I had to use my lunch hour on Monday to go back to Chiswick and get the part replaced – I also have to find an hour to do the work… sounds easy… but when you realise that because my garage has no power or light I can only do this work during day-light… when exactly can I do it?
So tomorrow morning, because there’s no way I’m going to collage with dodgy brakes, at 7am I shall be up, dressed in my ever so smart overalls and pulling bits of my front brake system appart, re-adjusting my brake levers and hoping I can get it all done before I have to leave for work.
I’ve not had a rant yet but I can feel one coming on… how bloody difficult is it to give someone two front pad sets and one rear… it was even on the bloody reciept… I’ve given Chiswick chance after chance after chance… but what happens when I need to change the oil and they give me the wrong filter? Or perhaps the wrong bolt, or the wrong chain… at what point is enough, enough?
Going to stop now.