I wrote these from scratch using the Common Worship liturgy for prayers during lent. They are okay – the only feedback I had is that there is no need to keep saying ‘we pray’ – that’s implicit in what we’re doing – but I’m pleased with these overall and pleased with the thread of illumination. I’ll come back to these again and play with them I think…
In the power of the Spirit and in union with Christ, let us pray to the Father.
Lord, we pray for those preparing for baptism and confirmation. We pray that your Grace and Love shine through the door they are about to open and illuminate a path of Christian life in your service.
Lord, in your mercy…Lord, we pray for our leaders. Those who serve through leadership carry a burden that is not always visible to us. Illuminate their burden so that we may help and support them in their service.
Lord, in your mercy…Lord, we pray for those looking for forgiveness. We pray that we may be able to discern their need and help illuminate a path to you, to your love and your forgiveness.
Lord, in your mercy…Lord, as we move forward in Lent we pray for those who are held captive by busyness, those held captive by a desire for more, those held captive by the false gods of consumerism and greed. Illuminate these false gods and empower us your servants to help others find your path.
Lord, in your mercy…Lord, we pray for those who are hungry. Hungry for food or for your spirit. Hungry for love or looking for their next meal. We pray that we find a way to see into their darkness and illuminate a path to practical help and spiritual support and that we offer both with a kind word and a loving heart.
Lord, in your mercy…