Priest in the Church of England. Father, husband, son. Keen biker.

Losing the weight…

…. I don’t like talking about my weight – I’ve always been happy with it. But the time has come to get back to where I was when I was fit and young and healthy. This has nothing to do with being 29 on Sunday, and therefore nearly 30.

The easiest way for me to achieve things is to say in public I’m going to do it – so here’s that public statement – by early next year my weight will be in double digits.

Here’s the chart – blue line is target, red line is what I’m actually achieving.


  1. Travo

    Go Cashmore – you can do it!

  2. Paola Kathuria

    I’m so pleased. You are welcome to join the Food Confessional (I have a back-log of diaries to post).

    See Da Roolz.


  3. Jay Adair

    That’s a commendable statement Matt. Have the best of times with it.. It’s a lot easier than you might imagine, so just keep up the hard work 🙂

  4. Dale Larson

    Happy late birthday and congrats on the fantastic progress to date. (Smart move to just plot it on Google Spreadsheet to share here — I’ve actually been working on an app to do slighly more tracking but still keep it simple…)

  5. mattcashmore

    Hello old love!

    How are you? The chart was a very basic attempt at tracking the weight loss and ‘seeing’ progress – that seems to be the hardest thing :-/

    15kg to date – 28 to go.
