Priest in the Church of England. Father, husband, son. Keen biker.

Category: General Ramblings (Page 13 of 19)

General thoughts on bikes… and stuff.

Long Way Down

Long Way DownI’m really enjoying the new stuff from Euan and Charley. This time they’re heading all the way to the bottom of Africa – no small task – and once again there’s a TV series to go with it.

What makes this one a little different however is the fact that they’re doing it with the BBC, rather than Sky, must admit I’m sure Charley wasn’t happy with Sky when they bumped Race to Dakar to Sky Two! But the most important thing about it coming to the beeb is that the site that goes with it is fantastic.

Rather than just posting updates about the DVD, the book, and the TV show – the site is a full on proper web experience – and what’s more it’s the only way you can enjoy the journey ‘live’.

I’m loving watching the progress on the interactive map – based on a google mashup – but most of all I’m loving the video on the site, and the short and to the point posts from the boys and the team around them – it actually feels like I’m traveling with them, I’m holding my breath waiting for the next entry and that they’ll get through the next problem!

I’ve been pulling all the data down via the RSS feeds, but I love how simple and clean the site is. I’m crossing everything for them right now… they’re right into Africa and need all the support they can get. Looks as if everything is going to plan though, certainly if the quick Q&A session they did for News Online is anything to go by.

The other thing that took my by surprise was the mobile section of the site, quite often these things can feel bolted on and half done, but the beeb seems to have pulled this off nicely with a little information and often, plus a weekly quiz and other goodies.

All in all a very impressive site that lets me be part of the journey… certainly makes up for the fact that I’ve had to delay my own trip to Russia until next July… especially when it was inspired by Euan and Charleys first series.

Russia, is off, or rather postponed

Gutted. It’s about the only word I can come up with to cover off how I feel about Russia having to be postponed until next year – take a look at the site for the whole story –

I’m just going to stick my head in the sand and see what else I can come up with for three weeks in September. I’ll try and write a little more about this when I feel a bit better about it.

Getting my bike back

Had some fantastic news yesterday. After nearly a month of riding around London on the totally crap Suzuki Bandit I was over the moon this morning when I had a letter from Bikers Legal Direct letting me know that they are going to repair my own bike.

I should have it back in about a week, which is just amazing. The biggest thing for me is how big a difference having a crap bike and having a stunning bike can make, even on a short 28 mile commute. I enjoy motorway, country lane, and heavy urban riding on my way into work, and a crap bike leaves me feeling naff when I get into the office and cramped when I get home.

ahhh crap

See this is what comes of trying to upgrade your blog software AND trying to start a whole new blog about technology.

All the custom template work I did is dead…. bugger.

Backup? Paaa who needs backup.

Running with the dream

Running With The MoonI’ve just started reading Running With The Moon by Jonny Bealby – after reading the reviews over at Amazon I was a little concerned – some are amazing, but rather a few are a little derogatory.

It’s a revelation. I made the mistake of reading the first couple of chapters just as I was heading for bed whilst away in Swansea. Away from my wife and my family I read how Jonny lost his love as she died in his arms in India. Not what I needed for a good deap sleep, in fact it stirred the most silly dreams and I ended up calling Catheirne in the middle of the night to make sure she was okay.

Now the story is into full swing, it’s settled into a wonderfully woven thread that grabs you and refuses to let you put it down. So if you try to get hold of me over the next couple of days, forget it, my head is buried in this fantastic book


CIMG1381I’ve been very lucky with this small crash – I’ve escaped with relatively minor bruises and grazes compared to Patrick’s broken leg! But it still blasted well hurts!

I’m sure it will heal very quickly but I can’t wait for the shoulder bruising to sort itself out – It doesn’t look much but the whole shoulder hurts when I try to rotate my arm – I’ll give it a few more days and if I’ve still had no joy – back to the docs.

These accidents are playing havoc with our training schedule – and the fact that we can’t get out to write reviews for TrustedPlaces!

Interesting evening

Lying in the roadJust when I thought things were getting boring all hell brakes loose. Riding home this evening from Alexandra Palace I was stopped at traffic lights when a corsa behind me felt that stopping was optional.

I’m pretty much okay, nasty bruse on my chest where I went through my windscreen and my ankle is pretty sore – all as expected really.

The bike is another matter though – I reckon a good £1k of damage to the left hand side and front. The most irritating thing of all is that I was planning on going away this weekend, training for Russia.

Ahh well. Such is life.

2nd Class Citizens

Yesterday I had to work in Central London, Shaftsbury Avenue to be exact. That meant riding into the heart of the beast, spending 30 minutes finding somewhere to part that doesn’t cost £10 per hour (thank you NCP) and then trudging in my kit to the office.

Nothing too bad there at all, appart from the cronic lack of bike parking in Camden Borough that is, but it amazes me how when I’m wearing my bike kit it’s like I’m from another planet.

Let’s take two identical tasks, walking up Shaftsbury Avenue, buying a sandwich and then going into the office building.

First of all earlier in the week I did this in my suit and tie, stolled into the sandwich shop grabbed lunch and got a nice smile from the girl behind the till, ambled up the road and into the office building where I got a ‘hello sir’ from the chap at the door and a ‘how can I help you sir’ from the girl on Yahoo! reception.

Scrub forward 24 hours. This time I’m in my bike kit. Stroll into sandwich shop and get followed by security, get a frown from the same girl behind the till. Wander into the office building and get stopped and searched by security. Get totally blanked by girl in Yahoo! reception until I point out that I’m a producer from the BBC and would she mind finding someone for me.


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