Priest in the Church of England. Father, husband, son. Keen biker.

Category: General Ramblings (Page 19 of 19)

General thoughts on bikes… and stuff.

Mobile phones

This could be a traditional rant from a biker about how people using mobile phones are a danger to themselves and everyone else on the road. And it is.

I know from personal experience that when I’m in the car and I’ve used a mobile I think it’s fine… no problem I’ve got control… but here’s the rub… you’re not… take it from someone who sees you swerving over the road, only ever so slightly – but think about it – you only need to drift 1/2 foot and you’ve knocked me off my bike. Yes I know filtering can be dangerous and I know us bikers can do if far to fast – and I have a problem with that too – but we’re all on the roads together – and just as I look out for cyclists shooting out of stupid holes where they shouldn’t be – drivers should be looking for bikers filtering in traffic – this is London for God sake!

In a recent government report is was noted that 38% of accidents where caused by people not paying attention, or using their mobile phone, but only 4% where directly caused by speed… more on this soon… but in the mean time WILL YOU PLEASE GET OFF YOUR BLOODY MOBILE PHONE BEFORE I RIP YOUR WING MIRROR OFF!

Bloody manhole covers!

Why oh why oh why do they insist on putting them in the middle of bends? Does anyone at the council know what they do to bikers!?

On the way to my new house I counted 12 manhole covers in places where they can cause me to lose grip as I’m going around a corner…12… and not those nice studded ones… the ones that cause you to slip, even in the dry… I guess it’s time I bought those engine bars.


… I hate to admit it… but the thermal liners for my bike gear have come out this morning… not quite to the thermal underwear point.. but still, it’s rather depressing.

Central Lane

Why is it car drivers don’t know what the inside lane is? I am sick to the back teeth of riding up the M1 and wondering why ALL the traffic is in the two outside lanes…. is the inside lane crap? Does it smell of poo?

I find myself riding up the inside lane ‘overtaking’ people… I can almost do the entire M1 J1 – J6 without entering the middle lane… this is wrong… and against the highway code… but cage drivers will never learn!

Moan over. For now.

The inevitable welcome post

First off chaps – this wasn’t my original choice of blog and I’m going to repost some old posts from my old one… won’t make much sense but then again I’m not expecting very many people to be reading this 🙂

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