Priest in the Church of England. Father, husband, son. Keen biker.

Category: General Ramblings (Page 5 of 19)

General thoughts on bikes… and stuff.

Help me map this thing out – Australia Road Trip

Australia MapsToday I headed to the map store and got the broad details I need for the first run into the outback. I love shopping in map stores, but to be honest I miss Stanfords in London – the Melbourne Map Centre as wonderful as they are (they were fantastically helpful and had everything I needed, well worth a visit) – just doesn’t add the same excitement to the start of a trip.

Some of you have been really helpful with suggestions and routes for the trip – so I’ve created a public Google Map that we can all edit – both with places I should visit and to help me work out my route – I’ve made a start but please do dive in and add detail.

View First Australian Bike Trip in a larger map – help me edit this trip

San Francisco – your thoughts.

P1020419, originally uploaded by mattcashmore.

I’ve once again just got back from the foggy and slightly damp city that I’m learning to love, and amazingly I’m not talking about London.

San Francisco is one of those cities that it’s so easy to enjoy. It’s small enough to easily get around, the public transport is cheap and easy to work out, and every corner has a coffee shop where you can meet your friends and colleagues alike.

I was in town for a little over a week this time, and even though our offices are over in Oakland I didn’t manage to make it there once. The city is just to darn alluring, and when it comes to meetings I’m much happier to natter in the back of a noisy Starbucks than a cold and difficult-to-get-to Oakland.

It was wonderful to meet up with the Offbeat Guides guys again, and to start to generate a genuine friendship with Eric ‘Put ’em up’ Willis. Dale Larson once again took me in hand and even managed to smuggle me onto a boat for a sailing trip over the weekend – thanks Dale 🙂

So who knows…. SF is turning into a city that I’d rather like to live, and given I’m spending more and more of my time there…. what do you think? SF? Good place to live?

An update from the front

Now with panniers, originally uploaded by mattcashmore.

I’ve finally had a few weeks back in Australia and it’s all starting to feel more like home than a place I happen to be spending some time. Part of that is all the gear turning up for the bike, and the other bit is my brother coming to stay!

He’s moved in and has his feet well and truly under the table 😉 But I don’t mind (he’s a qualified chef, and a rather good one at that). Of course all of this would come as I’m starting to take this fitness lark seriously – I’m aiming to take part in the Austalasian Safari in two years time – that’s going to take 12 months to drop my weight to a sensible level and 12 months of serious enduro training.

Of course, all the best laid plans and all that… but we’ll see what happens, regardless of what I do I aim to be doing something ‘big’ in 2011/2012 depending on what hemisphere I’m in.

More videos on the way now I’ve found my way around the new Canon HG20 HD Camera, and I’m sure you’ve already seen some of the first photos appearing on flickr from the new Lumix G1.

Top 5 tips on buying a new tent

Buying a new tent can be incredibly difficult. There are so many choices out there that it can be very confusing if you don’t know what to look for.  As the northern hemisphere heads into spring, and camping becomes a comfortable alternative to the B&B again I wanted to share some tips on how to chose a good tent.

If you enjoy this review, I have some others you may like

I made a little video about choosing a tent which you can watch at the bottom of this post, or over on YouTube.

1. How far from help are you?

Before you decide how much you want to spend, work out why you’re buying the tent and how far away from shelter you are. If for example you’re travelling in a Land Rover, then your tent – whilst being your primary shelter – is not as important as it is if you’re camping 10 miles from anything else on your own. Ask yourself, how near shelter am I if the tent fails? The further from help, the more you want to spend, and the more consideration needs to be taken.

2 . Materials

Simple enough, do some research on what materials work best in which senario. Are you going to be spending time in the desert? What about rain? A good tent for northern Europe, may not be the best bet for the hot climbs of central Afrrica. A swag bag works wonderfully in the dry conditions of Australia, but is simply not suited to a wet trip in Canada.

3. Size, weight and dimensions

Are you carrying the tent on your back, on the back of a motorcycle or in a car? If you’re carrying a tent you’ll need to explore high-tech options with suppliers like Exped and Tatonka. Both companies offer options with light-weight short poles and highly compressible materials – ideal for hiking and the motorbike.

If you’re in the car you have a greater range of options – consider a tent that goes up in seconds from Quecha or something designed to fold out from your vehicle in a few simple steps from people like Oz Tent.

4. Accessories

You’ll be amazed how many tents don’t come with the essentials. Make sure you have:

  • Ground sheet / footprint
  • Good quality pegs
  • Strong poles / pole repair kit
  • Material repair kit (for fixing holes)

The ground sheet will really help with keeping condensation to a minimum – they also act as a barrier between the cold ground and your butt, but most importantly they protect the material of your tents bottom from sharp stones on rough ground. A good ground sheet means you can keep your ventilation vents open in most weathers.

Pegs are so important – many tents ship with really weak simple pegs that will not drive into hard ground and have no grip in soft ground. Try a v shaped titanium peg from people like Alpine Kit – they don’t have to be expensive! Make sure you drive the peg in at a 45 degree angle.

5. Design

There are really three major tent designs. Geodysic, dome and tunnel. Depending on what type of camping your doing you’ll need to consider the different types.

Tunnel tents generally pack up very small, they also tend to have very short poles and are quite often very easy to erect. They do however require some thought when pitching – they can be badly affected by wind and you should try to pitch with the front or back facing into the wind – if you get caught side on in a gale it can not only end in a very noisy night- but can also bend the shape of the tent inwards, affecting it’s thermal capabilities and how much rain it can deal with. This is the type of tent that it is really important to buy the best of – money really does have an impact here and the more you spend generally gives you a very sturdy, tough option with all of the benefits.

Dome tents tend to be the cheapest option. You’ll see them in the supermarket for very little cash and for many applications are the ideal option. Their pack size is small, they generally only have two poles and can be purchased as an inside up first option or a fly up first option. In wetter climates the outer (fly) up first option is ideal, but in dryer hoter climbs you’ll find the option of being able to pitch the inner tent without the outer ideal – it keeps the bugs off, and lets the heat escape more efficiently.

Geodesic tents can be rather complicated to erect – but once you’ve worked out the knack they are without doubt the most stable shelters around. They tend to be more expensive and they’re what you’ll see the professional expeditions using as they head out into the great wilderness. They deal with very bad weather well, will see a gale through with hardly a twitter, these are the best options to ensure you’re safe and snug inside.

Finally I’ll  come back to that first tip when choosing your tent – remember that it’s your primary shelter – if you can sleep somewhere else if it flys away or gets soaked through then don’t stress it – if you HAVE to get a good, warm, dry nights sleep then spend some money.

The best place to start is with a reputable supplier – I recommend Travel Dri-Plus – call and ask for Les – he’s the most knowledgeable person I have ever talked to about tents – if he doesn’t know it – it’s not worth knowing about.

If you enjoy this review, I have some others you may like

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Help find me a new camera

Since I’ve been bombing around the world my Casio Exilm Z850 has been a constant companion. I rate it really highly (must write a review soon) – it’s constantly dropped from the height of my motorcycle tank bag, it’s been soaked by sea-water on at least two occasions and still it ‘just gets on with it’ and takes photographs that when I got the camera I thought were awesome and now, think are pretty good.

The time has come to replace this stalwart of my gadget armoury and I need your help. I’m totally stunned every month when Lonely Planet Images release the photos that have been added to the library over the past few weeks – and I want to take photos that make people go wow.

Some background – when I was in school I desperately wanted to be a Photo Journalist – I worked for the local paper for free and I badgered my Dad until he bought me an Olympus OM-10 from the local second hand stor

e – complete with ‘manual adaptor’. It had a light metre inside but other than that I was totally on my own. After months of paper-rounds and being paid to take my friends band photos I managed to scrape enough money to ‘upgrade’ the the Olympus OM-2n .

It made a big difference to my shots, as did the purchase of a 2x adaptor and, at great expense, a 75mm Olympus lens.  I held onto the dream of becoming a Photo Journalist right through my engineering apprenticeship (where the camera managed to earn me some money on the side in Caerphilly town centre of a Saturday morning) and right into University in Swansea, where finally, the dream died and I sold the camera for much needed rent money.

Since then I’ve had a succession of crap compact cameras that just didn’t cut the mustard. The Casio has rather re-ignited that old desire to take wonderful photographs and I find myself slipping it into manual as much as the fully automatic settings – I’ve even bought an old Konica Minolta 35mm SLR to mess around with (it’s been out of the bag once).

My composition needs a little work , I need to get my head out of snapshot mode, but I feel the old juices still flow and can’t wait to get back into thinking through a shot properly before I take it. So now the tough part – I need a new camera.


  • Tough
  • Light
  • Compact
  • Decent video mode
  • Solid lens support
  • Easy to charge (I’m running this from the motorbike / powermonkey)
  • Easy to transfer images (no propritary connectors – worst case – SD cards are good)

Let’s ignore the money side of things for the moment and work the ‘perfect world senario’.

What do you suggest? I have a totally open mind and no legacy kit to support.

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Mashed is a no go this year

The people who made Mashed08 happen

The people who made Mashed08 happen

As you may have seen over on the blog Mashed isn’t happening this year. Ewan sums it up well

you put smart people in a room and great things happen. Put smart people in a room with their own DAB TV station and a red button service they can hack away with, and you get some gorgeous results.

Mashed will be missed this year – I’ll miss organising it again – it was one of the hardest things to leave behind when I left the BBC – but at least I get to run the Lonely Planet Travel Blogger Awards now – no crazy social flight sims – but still… loads of fun.

I think the beeb has made the right call on trying to concentrate on doing more smaller things all over the country but I do hope when things get a bit better out there that something like Mashed comes along again soon.


So sorry everyone – I just found a pile of comments that had got tagged as spam – thanks to John Diamond for the heads up – I’ve just approved them all and white-listed you – sorry everyone 🙁

The Coffee Post

I’m not sure how long it takes to become a coffee snob, I would say that several years ago I was definitely a snob – but then I’d never been to Melbourne. This city serves the best coffee anywhere, with the exception of one or two little places in rural France, Melbourne’s coffee knocks the socks of anything else – so it’s no surprise that I’ve got to wondering how I’m going to get my fix on my next bike adventure.

Heading to Russia I was going to take this little portable machine

but after testing in the field I decided it wasn’t strong enough to survive my riding style… then, out of the blue came a piece of French pornography that I simply couldn’t ignore. Watch this video

Now, if you still have your coffee in your mug and not all over the computer screen let me tell you a little more about the device. It’s called the Handspresso – have a look at their site – I highly recommend watching the videos.

Could this be the answer to my prayers? It’s small, looks really tough and seems to make the perfect espresso. It does have a couple of issues – mainly that you need the little coffee packs and I’ve not found anywhere that sells those in Oz yet. Can you help? I’m also not convinced that it’ll push the water through at a sensible rate and at the right temperature – but hey – I’m on the road, sometimes I just have to rough it.

EDIT – I’ve found some people that serve the pods

Mashed rocked the world

Well London at least. Well, Alexandra Palace anyway.

Thank you to everyone who’s been contacting me about Mashed for 2009 – as some of you may know I left the BBC late last year to come and work for Lonely Planet – and as such I’m not involved with the organisation any more… but should I hear anything I’ll be sure to pass it on.

I’m just remembering why Mashed was so bloody fantastic…. and then I saw this on Ewan’s blog this morning…

Social Flight Sim from Cristiano Betta on Vimeo.

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